Advanced peripartum and lactation support

Specializing in chronic nipple and breast pain, low milk production, and troubleshooting latch and pumping over telehealth

What My Patients Are Saying


“I saw Anna via Telehealth appointment after having seen multiple local lactation specialists to no avail. I had significant nipple damage from complications of a posterior tongue tie, vasospasm and nipple pain. Her advice was invaluable. She introduced me to a wound care regimen that allowed me to continue feeding my little one, while at the same time facilitating healing. She also really helped us improve our feeding and latch positioning via webcam. I had all but given up on breastfeeding before our appointment, and my baby is now exclusively breast fed and growing beautifully. My nipple pain has also completely resolved. I attribute this to Anna's expertise and cannot give her a high enough recommendation for women struggling with breastfeeding.”

— Danielle

“Anna is so kind, supportive, and intelligent. She helped me diagnose nipple vasospasm when the rest of my lactation consultants and physicians were stumped about the possible diagnosis and management options going forward. I felt very supported: she was super patient with me and my newborn who was hysterically in tears while trying to latch during multiple visits. I also found myself in tears due to the pain of the vasospasm and the emotional aspects of possibly weaning the baby. Ultimately, it was her support and advice that led me to be able to continue my breastfeeding experience for a total of 10 months when I thought I would definitely stop at 2 because of the pain. This ended up being truly life-changing as I was then able to provide my baby with COVID-19 antibodies after I was vaccinated at month 6. I would highly recommend her to anyone!”

— P.

“Working with Anna was truly a God send! During my pregnancy, I decided that I wanted to exclusively breastfeed my daughter. Anna not only educated me on the logistics of breastfeeding, but also championed my breastfeeding goals with compassion and honesty. Anna continued to check in on me and after a month, I let her know that I was feeling like my baby’s latch was becoming painful towards the end of our feedings. She immediately fit me in for an appointment, took a thorough history, and assessed a breastfeeding session. She guided me through some small corrections to our latch, that this sleep deprived Mama had gotten lazy about, and ultimately counseled me regarding increased time spent comfort suckling. She gave me tips on how to stop this and several suggestions for nipple care. Anna also went above and beyond and informed me of behavioral obstacles that I could soon expect to face with my little one. Being mentally prepared for that time was incredibly helpful. I truly do not think I would still be happily breastfeeding my healthy 4 and a half month old, if it wasn’t for Anna.”

— Erica

My Clinical Interests

  • Nipple and Breast Pain

    I work with patients who have been suffering for weeks from shooting breast pain, bleeding nipples, burning nipple pain, milk blebs, and/or nipple blisters. Many of my patients have been treated for a nipple yeast infection (mammary candidiasis or thrush) without resolution. We work together to decrease breast inflammation, heal nipples, and resolve chronic pain.

  • Low Milk Production

    Clinicians refer patients to me with an unknown cause of low milk production in the first month postpartum. We work together to identify the cause of low milk production, set realistic goals, and slowly build up supply. I use my PhD training in hormonal regulation of milk production to provide evidence-based support to each mother-infant dyad.

  • Latching and Pumping Support

    I work with the majority of my patients in a telehealth setting. We successfully troubleshoot painful latch via video call. Patients report experiencing their first pain-free latch after my step-by-step instructions. We discuss lactation physiology and the patient’s goals to optimize the pumping routine, with a special focus on decreasing breast inflammation and tailoring milk volume to the infant’s needs.




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